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Atmos Releases

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1.12 Easing curves

RELEASED June 11, 2024

You can now control the Playground using easing curves to get smoother color ramps.

  • Added easing curves to Playground

  • Unified color inputs across the app, so they all behave the same

  • Fixed a bug where the palette would get into an invalid state after undo

  • Fixed a rare bug where all new colors would be black

1.11 Display P3

RELEASED May 8, 2024

Atmos now supports Display P3 color space. This will allow you to create colors that are more vibrant and have a wider color gamut.

  • Added support for Display P3 color space to Playground and Shade generator

  • Added option to export colors to Display P3 format

  • Implemented new onboarding powered by Flows.

  • Optimized the website and app to prevent rare crashes

  • Fixed a bug where some colors were wrongly rounded after pasting them

  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to delete an account

1.10 Holiday cleanup

RELEASED December 31, 2023

We have cleaned up the bugs and added quality of life improvements, so that you can start the new year with a fresh Atmos.

  • Color and shade dialog now opens on click

  • Added option to duplicate colors and shades in edit dialogs

  • Extended the free trial to 14 days

  • Fixed a bug where password managers were showing up in wrong places

  • Fixed a bug where wrong monthly price was displayed in settings for Lifetime plan users

  • Fixed a bug where grayscale broke LCH playground

  • ...and bunch of other small fixes

1.9 Atmos for Figma

RELEASED July 14, 2023

Now you can use Atmos directly in Figma. We have released a plugin that gives you the full power of Atmos without leaving Figma.

  • Released Lifetime plan

  • Released Atmos for Figma

  • Released Palette templates

  • Added option to export palettes to Tailwind

  • Added option to set same values for all shades or color families in Playground

  • Improved color tooltip in Import

  • Fixed a bug where Import imported only the lowest number of shades in all color families

  • Fixed a bug where Import didn’t import colors with the same name

1.8 Unlimited color gamut

RELEASED May 14, 2023

Following up on the previous update, we have added support for unlimited color gamut. Allowing you to create colors outside the sRGB color space.

  • Added support for unlimited color gamut

  • Added option to import colors from Figma to Atmos

  • Added option to not include source color when generating in Shade generator

  • Added color look options to Color generator

  • Improved colors in dark mode to make them less saturated

  • Added luminance view option to color palette

  • Improved project preview to show full palette

  • Released Contrast checker

  • Published LCH vs OKLCH blog post

1.7 OKLCH color space support

RELEASED March 25, 2023

We have added the long awaited support to OKLCH color space 🎉 Now you can freely switch between LCH and OKLCH in your projects.

  • Added support for OKLCH color space

  • Redesigned export dialog

  • Changed the way colors are saved to avoid small changes that sometimes happened when converting colors

1.6 Color import

RELEASED February 18, 2023

You can now import colors from any string into Atmos. This will allow you to easily import colors from your design system, or any other source.

  • Added color import

  • Added Design Tokens format to export

  • Improved look of all color dots to be visible on any background

  • Released Color converter

  • Released Color picker

  • Released Color name finder

  • Fixed a bug where dropdown menus didn't work on Safari

1.5 Unifying palettes

RELEASED December 24, 2022

We have switched to a unified color palette across the whole app. This will allow us to add more functionality in the next updates.

  • Unified palettes across app

  • Made all pages resizable (just grab the vertical line)

  • Added precision mode to Playground (press option / alt when dragging a color dot)

  • Added source controls to color tooltip

  • Added Style Dictionary export option

  • Added Copy to clipboard button to SVG export

1.4 Easing in Shade generator

RELEASED December 11, 2022

The shade generator now allows you to select a starting and ending lightness, and based on the selected easing, it will automatically generate the rest of the shades.

  • Added easing options to shade generator

  • Made the Playground palette resizable (just grab the vertical line)

  • Started the Atmos Slack community for discussing Atmos, design, and anything else. Join here!

  • Fixed a bug where tooltips didn't show up

  • Fixed a bug where the export window stayed open even outside of a project

1.3 Redesigned navigation

RELEASED December 2, 2022

We've completely overhauled the navigation throughout Atmos to make it simpler and more consistent.

  • Redesigned navigation

  • Added toolbar with contrast and vision simulator to navigation

  • Redesigned the color modal

  • Redesigned color tooltip

  • Added support for RGB, HSL, LCH, LAB color spaces across the app

  • Improved color pickers to include more color spaces

  • Slightly speedup the response of playground charts

  • Redesigned empty states

1.2 Sync Atmos to Figma

RELEASED October 29, 2022

With our Atmos sync plugin, you can now import your palettes to Figma with one click.

  • Released Atmos sync plugin for importing palettes to Figma

  • Added a shortcut to move all dots at once in Playground

  • You can now generate unlimited colors in color generator

  • Enabled free movement in color wheels

  • Added JSON export format

  • Fixed a bug when exporting shared projects

1.1 Better Shade generator options

RELEASED October 8, 2022

Shade generator now allows you to specify lightness for each shade separately. Giving you more control over the results.

  • Upgraded shade generator to allow per shade lightness settings

  • Theme settings now include an option to sync with your system.

  • Unified color palette in Color generator

  • You can now delete your account manually from settings

  • Simplified feedback form → Send us your feedback we really appreciate it

  • Increased the size of all color sliders

  • Improved descriptions of vision simulator modes

  • Added contrast controls to Color generator

  • When you add a color without a name, it will be automatically named.

  • Added syntax highlight to project export

  • Fixed APCA contrast checker for selected color

  • Cleaned up help menu for easier navigation

  • Hue shift no longer resets when you edit colors

  • Added vision simulation to color wheel

1.0 Ending beta 🎉

RELEASED August 21, 2022

It's finally here! Atmos is out of beta. Learn more about what that means in this blog post.

  • Switched providers for faster response times

  • Added Pro plan

  • Added Settings page

  • Improved project loading

  • Fixed hue shifting bug for colors outside of LCH limits

  • New website ✨

0.17 APCA contrast

RELEASED July 15, 2022

We've added support for upcoming WCAG 3 contrast standard APCA. Now you can be even more confident that your designs are accessible.

  • Added APCA mode to contrast checker

  • Added RAW option to export

0.16 Playground shortcuts

RELEASED June 9, 2022

We've added a few helpful keyboard shortcuts to Playground. You can now create palettes without having to use your mouse.

  • Added shortcuts to Playground

  • Fixed hue shifting in Shade generator

0.15 Improving Color generator

RELEASED May 18, 2022

The color generator is now even better. Thanks to switching to HSL color space it now creates more beautiful colors and fewer greys.

  • Switched to HSL color space in color generator

  • Improved color generator algorithm

  • Fixed a few bugs in the shade generator

0.14 Color wheels

RELEASED May 1, 2022

Explore colors through the color wheel. Create the perfect color scheme for your UI color palette.

  • Added color wheel

  • Added new documentation pages

  • Performance improvements in playground

0.13 Project Sharing and Versioning

RELEASED March 6, 2022

Share and collaborate on palettes with your teammates. Need to go back in time? Now you can. Experiment freely knowing that you can always go back.

  • Added project sharing

  • Added project history

  • Improved project overview palette to match shade generator

  • Added HSL and RGB option to project export

0.12 Hue shifting

RELEASED February 2, 2022

Create even better shades with hue shifting.

  • Added hue shifting with bezier curves

  • Removed template palette

  • Renamed colors to color families

  • Fixed a few bugs in shade generator

0.11 Improving shade generator

RELEASED January 8, 2022

Shade generator is even better now. Do you have brand colors that you need to preserve? Now you can lock the source color so that you don't lose it when creating your palette.

  • Improved shade generator UI and algorithm

  • Added source color

  • Renamed colors to color families

  • Removed background rectangle and rounding from SVG export

  • When adding a new color, shades are generated to match the palette

0.10 Color vision sumation

RELEASED December 12, 2021

Simulate how others experience your colors anywhere in Atmos with our color vision simulator.

  • Added Color vision simulator

  • Improved color tooltip to include graphics contrast ratio

  • Clicking on a color in Overview now opens the color picker

0.9 Turning dark 🌘

RELEASED November 18, 2021

Work on your palettes through the night with our fresh dark mode.

  • Added Dark mode

  • Added Onboarding

  • Added option to match other shades to add color dialog

  • Improved empty states

0.8 Introducing Shade generator and Project Overview

RELEASED October 28, 2021

Generate uniform shades from your base colors with ease. You can now easily export your project to SVG, CSS, and Javascript.

  • Added Shade generator

  • Added Project overview

  • Added option to export to SVG, CSS, and Javascript

  • Fixed palette not saving after renaming the project

0.7 Improving Palette and Color generator

RELEASED October 3, 2021

The palette is now easier to use and scales to better fit different screen sizes. The color generator can now generate colors that match specified emotion, industry, or color family.

  • Added palette to the color generator

  • Palette now scales to fit different screen sizes

  • Added generator modes: Emotion, Industry, and Color family

  • Added Google login option

0.6 Polishing

RELEASED September 19, 2021

Minor and major improvements to the whole app to make it easier to use.

  • Added home screen featuring all your palettes

  • Improved navigation throughout the app

0.5 Heading to clouds

RELEASED August 20, 2021

From now on all Atmos data are saved in the cloud meaning that you can access your palettes from anywhere.

  • Login & Sign up

  • Saving palettes on backend

0.4 Introducing Color generator

RELEASED July 29, 2021

Find the best colors with one click. The generator creates brand colors as well as matching status colors.

0.3 Better palette with contrast checker

RELEASED July 14, 2021

Reorder colors and shades in your palette with drag & drop, also you can now check the contrast ratio of any color against white, black, or any other color from the palette.

  • Added drag and drop to reorder shades and colors in palette

  • Added contrast checker mode in palette

  • Added color detail while hovering on a swatch in palette

0.1 Introducing Playground

RELEASED November 18, 2021

Fine-tune colors to perfection. Playground visualizes your colors in CIELAB color space which allows easily creating perceptually uniform shades.

  • Visualize and edit colors in CIELAB color space

  • Save colors in a basic palette

Create your palette for
free in minutes

Whether you're new to color palettes, or a pro looking for advanced tools, we'll have you set up and ready to create your best palette in minutes.

Get started for free